Get someone to help you in the Philippines, and good chance they may include a "finders fee". This is a commission that's often secret and sometimes underhanded. How do you deal with the Filipino Finders Fee?
Micro economics are fairly normal in the Philippines, with everyone trying to make some money from small enterprise. Most Filipinos are used to this, and most Australians are OK if the commission or cut is fair. Australians in Australian Filipina relationships sometimes have some difficulty when the finders fee or spotters fee is excessive and unearned, and where it was kept as a secret from them.
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In Australia we never make money or take a "cut" when we're dealing with friends, family or neighbours. Business is business, but we don't make money from our mates. In the Philippines this is often a different matter, and Filipinos will include a bit for themselves.
And for Australian visas from Philippines to Australia for your Filipina sweetheart? Go with the experts at every time!
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FilipinaWives is a service of Down Under Visa, and its purpose is to help Australians in existing relationships with Filipina ladies (ie. ladies from the Philippines) to improve and enhance their existing relationships, be these marriages, engagements, de facto relationships, or still boyfriends and girlfriends. Jeff Harvie (the Registered Migration Agent from Down Under Visa) is in an Australian Filipina relationship with his lovely wife Mila.
Please note that we are not matchmakers or a dating site, and fully support the letter and principal of Republic Act 6955 and its efforts to protect the dignity of Filipina women.
The articles and videos on FilipinaWives are written from the perspective of Australian men and their Filipina ladies. Please read, watch and enjoy.