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Relationship requirements for onshore partner visa applications

Surely that’s enough evidence for a visa? What else? Why do I have to prove that I have a relationship to get an Australian visa? What are my requirements?

How much relationship evidence is enough for a visa application? All that you can get, and then some! No such thing as “too much”.

One issue we at Down Under Visa have with Australian partner visa applications is that sometimes getting relationship evidence out of clients is like pulling teeth! A hard, painful process with a struggling patient! Tourist visas are often much the same, but that’s for another day. We know that many of you are not paperwork-people, and many of you are not computer-people either, so whilst I may sound like I’m complaining I’m not really. We just need to spell out the facts.

australian partner visa applications require plenty of evidence of a normal committed relationship

Partner visa application basic facts

Asking the Australian Government to let your lady migrate to Australia permanently is no small ask! It’s a big deal! Think of what you would think if the Government really had a “revolving door”? A Filipina lady in a genuine relationship with an Australian man will come to Australia and she will make Australia a better place. She will be the foundation for a new family. A man with some purpose in his life, and kids brought into the world. Good marriages are what a good society is built on. Australia is better off, therefore these are the ladies who should come to Australia.

And on the opposite side you have the effect when an insincere bad Filipina gets into Australia. The man loses a lot of money and ends up alone again. Nothing gained, whilst the woman ends up reaping the benefits of life in Australia without contributing very much at all. Money goes back to family in the Philippines, no doubt. And maybe some other poor sucker gets caught in time too.

So like it or not, they will scrutinise your application to make sure your relationship is truly genuine, and they can only do this by looking at the facts that you present to them in the visa application. If evidence is thin? Then maybe so is the relationship!

Right now I’m looking at onshore partner visas, which are different to applying offshore in that they really don’t….and shouldn’t…..make allowances for living in separate countries. There’s a certain leeway shown in offshore partner visa applications which you shouldn’t expect when applying onshore. They expect you to be living as a couple now!

Relationship requirements for onshore partner visa applications | Realted Posts