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No stepping-stone visas from Down Under Visa

You want to go to Australia, right? Can you select the ideal visa as a stepping-stone to a better life, so Australia can give you all that you want? Or is it not quite as straight forward as that?

Australia has a strict immigration policy and Migration Regulations governing who gets into Australia and who doesn't. Visas are grants and not rights, and if you don't qualify for one of Australia's visa types by meeting the criteria set out in the Regulations then you won't get a visa. Work visas and student visas for those who simply want a stepping stone to a better life will be unsuccessful.

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And for Australian visas from Philippines to Australia for your Filipina sweetheart? Go with the experts at every time!

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FilipinaWives - from the Down Under Visa team, to help Australians with existing relationships with ladies or men from the Philippines to have better relationships and reduce cross-cultural misunderstandings. Jeff Harvie (the Registered Migration Agent from Down Under Visa) is in an Australian residing in the Philippines with his Filipina wife Mila.

Please note that we are not matchmakers or a dating site, and fully support the letter and principal of Republic Act 6955 and its efforts to protect the dignity of Filipina women.

The articles and videos on FilipinaWives are written from the perspective of Australian men and their Filipina ladies. Please read, watch and enjoy.

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