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Can you apply for a bridging visa?

Can you apply for a bridging visa inside Australia? Is a bridging visa a valid and possible alternative to applying for an Australian onshore partner visa? Can you apply for a bridging visa to save some time and work?

There is a lot of confusion around about bridging visas, with prospective applicants planning to apply for a bridging visa instead of a partner visa because they think this is an easy option to a more complicated and more expensive onshore visa application such as a partner visa. Is it even possible to apply for a stand-alone bridging visa? Get some expert opinion on this matter.

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Produced by the experts in partner visas and prospective marriage visas in Manila Philippines, Down Under Visa. Also tourist visas and family visas from Philippines to Australia. Partner visas are also known as spouse visas, spousal visas and de facto visas. Prospective marriage visas can be known as fiancee or fiance visas.

Visa applications electronically lodged at the Australian Embassy in Manila or Department office in Australia. You and your lady from the Philippines are in very safe hands with Jeff Harvie and the team.

Can you apply for a bridging visa? | Realted Posts